Maestro Boats press picture gallery
These pictures are free to publish. Click small picture to get full resolution picture.
Pictures from design stage:
Pictures taken at Finnboat Floating Show, Nauvo, Finland 2004. Hull number at pictures is M40-001 s/y Quick Step.
Some other pictures of Maestro 40
s/y Quesera M40-004
M40-006 at Japan
s/y Loon-A-Sea (M40-007) at Rock Hall, MD, USA
Illumination at Maestro 40
In these pictures is underwaterlights, illuminated namesign and cockpit night lightning.
If you have an idea what kind of picture you are interested of, we might have it already in our picture gallery of thousands of pictures. If not we try to organize it for you.
If in some page is picture that you are interested to have in better quality, we usually take photo's from 1280x960 to 2816x2112 pixels quality. At webpage pictures are at smaller size for quick download and layout reasons.
So, feel free to contact Maestro Boats by email or by phone +358 (0)10 548 0500.