At this page we describe Maestro 40 cockpit configuration with standard equipment and some options too. |
COCKPIT Maestro 40 has large, safe and functional cockpit. All control lines are lead below deck to upper sides of cockpit. This makes sail handling easy. Hoisting, reefing, sheeting and other functions can be made accurately and effectively with aft winches. Stainless steel pushpit with opening to swimming platform. The cockpit is self-draining and meets the O.R.C regulations.
There is 12 Lewmar rope clutches for halyards, reef lines and control lines.
Lines are lead below deck at special made GRP pipes and special designed block system. This ensures secure and long lasting operation.
Stanless Steel Andersen 46ST winches are standard. 2 pc of 10" winch handle's as standard.
Both aft winches can be upgraded with Andersen variable speed electric motors. Power and torque of electric winches makes sail handling even more easier.
Stanless Steel Andersen 52ST winches are standard.
FORWARD PART OF COCKPIT Forward part of cockpit has windows to aft cabin(s) / head, teak sole and seats and large locker. Cockpit table is option. |
COCKPIT SOLE FOOTREST (option) New model of footrest leaves both cockpit table fittings free for use.
COCKPIT LOCKER Locker hatch is watertight and equipped with gas-spring for light use.
Here seen two aft cabin version of cockpit locker with optional holders for cockpit table stanchions. Hatch is made in double mold.
At one aft cabin version cockpit locker is extra large (in picture air-conditioned version). Locker can be fitted with extra shelves.
Cockpit can be equipped with speakers. Speakers has SS cover.
If boat is equipped with AM/FM radio, cockpit speakers are installed as rear-speakers and saloon speakers as forward speakers.
MAINSHEET TRACK Harken main sheet system with roller bearings and control lines. Control lines are lead to cockpit side cleats. Control line system is 1 to 4.
Main sheet traveller is with roller bearings for long lasting performance.
COCKPIT MANUAL BILGE PUMP At Cockpit port side wall is installed manual bilge pump.
Pump is operated with handle. Handle is stored under seat hatch.
PEDESTAL Pedestal is sandwich GRP construction with instrument box and stainless steel guard and handrail. White 60" aluminum steering wheel (leather as option) with wire steering system. All navigation instruments as option. |
Maestro has special manufactured Volvo engine panel. Design and size is similar to Raymarine ST60-series displays. Separate warning lights panel.
Engine remote control handle is located to starboard side of pedestal. Handle is removable and uses same connector as winch handles.
Suunto B-116/S/B/B steering compass at instrument box.
12V OUTLET At pedestal is 12V outlet. Outlet is standard car cigarette lighter size.
COCKPIT AFT SEATS At aft end of cockpit is five seats. Center seat is possible to lower down to access swimming platform. Under port and starboard seats is deep lockers. Under upper side seats, port and starboard, is lockers for lines and propane gas bottle. Footrest's for helmsman are standard.
STARBOARD SIDE SEAT Under starboard side seat is locker for control lines and location for cockpit table (option). Aft mooring cleat and SS fair lead with roller chocks.
Lines are lead to locker via front end of hatch.
PORT SIDE SEAT Under port side seat is locker for control lines and location for gas bottle. Aft mooring cleat and SS fair lead with roller chocks.
Gas bottle has own locker that meets CE-regulations. Lines are lead to locker via front end of hatch. Also cockpit manual bilge pump handle is located here.
TEAK GRID KIT (option) Side locker teak grip kit includes to both lockers teak grid that fits perfect to bottom of locker.
Grid keeps control lines off from bottom and let air circulate better. This means that lines dry easier.
CENTER SEAT OPERATION Center seat has "saloon" style doors. The cockpit is self-draining and meets the O.R.C regulations.
To lower center seat take first away aluminum front holder.
Saloon style doors are secured with SS locking plate. Turn locking plate to horizontal position.
Open doors fully.
Lower center seat to cockpit sole level.
Access to swimming platform is easy and safe.
Hatch is made in double mold.
Large locker under seat.
STARBOARD SIDE AFT LOCKER Locker hatch is watertight and equipped with gas-spring for light use. Hatch is made in double mold.
Large locker under seat.
COCKPIT FIRE EXTINGUISHER Cockpit fire extinguisher is located under starboard aft seat.
Quick access and easy operation are safety factors.
EMERGENCY TILLER Maestro 40 is equipped with aluminum emergency tiller. Tiller is located inside aft starboard seat. Tiller is easy and quick to use in emergency situation.
Boat can be steered manually with emergency tiller.
Emergency tiller is mounted directly to top of rudder shaft.
COCKPIT SOLE LED-LIGHTS (option) Cockpit led-lightning is nice at night time in harbor but also safety equipment that makes moving in cockpit safe.
COCKPIT VHF (option) Extra handset for Raymarine 240E VHF radio telephone can be installed to cockpit. It has own locker with plexiglas door. |
STORAGE AT COCKPIT (option) Maestro recommends using Blue Performance storage solutions in Maestro 40. Winch handle bags, winch covers, sea rail bags and covers,
SWIMMING PLATFORM Maestro 40 has practical swimming platform that is safe and easy to use. Getting up from water via telescopic ladders and taking fresh water shover refreshes nicely. |
USING OF TELESCOPIC LADDERS Telescopic ladders are stored under swimmingplatform. Easy access and quick release makes using of ladders simple.
Ladders are drawn out from "garage".
If bandit is used it is opened (using of bandit is not necessary).
Telescopic system is extensioned and ladders are lowered down in to water.
Ladders are enough deep in water so that climbing up to boat is easy.
Storing of ladders is as easy as lowering.
Single hand mixer and quick connection for shower hose. Three meter white hose.
Easy access from swimming platform makes using safe. Standard connection is 16A with 25 meter cable. Special connection (30A or 50A) for models with air-condition.
Note that in pictures might be visible special and optional equipment. Please do not hesitate to contact Maestro seller if you have any questions. |
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